Your Ultimate Club Companion

Experience Knockout Competitions, Ladder Leagues, and Box Leagues - All in one place!

Elevate your club experience

Unlock a host of features to streamline operations and enhance member engagement. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to hassle-free competition management.

Box Leagues
Knockouts, Box or Ladder
Run club competitions effortlessly with Matchspace. It's easy to set up leagues and tournaments in just a few clicks.
Built-in Chat
From broadcasts to direct messages, our integrated chat keeps players connected and informed.
Junior Section
We also have a Junior Section, designed specifically with young tennis enthusiasts in mind. No adults here!
Complete rackets sports app
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We're proud to partner with some top organisations
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Benefits for organisers and players

Easy-to-use features to connect your club


Manage Leagues. Simply.

Run club competitions easily from the web-based coach dashboard. Members RSVP with the app, and we auto-assign their groups by ability level. Easy.


Connect with built-in chat

Club members can contact each other using Matchspace chat. Organising matches, or just arranging a hit with someone of similar ability takes seconds. 


On-point Notifications

Send notifications to you members via the app, ask them to RSVP and enter competitions, leagues and events.


Arrange, add, verify

Members have their own unique profile, allowing them to manage every aspect of their competition with results updating immediately.


Trophies for key milestones

Key milestones and matchplay reward players by unlocking a library of trophies and achievements.


Competition wrap ups

We compile competition winners into a shareable list that gets posted into the club feed so everyone has visibility.

Don’t just take our word for it!

Clubs are already using Matchspace. Hear what some of they are saying!

Sebastian Blanchon
Head Coach

The app is transformative for our club, being able to connect our members and communicate through notifications is a game changer for us.

Karin Govan
The Wimbledon Club

I used the app to run a ladder competition and it’s so fun! Challenging opponents within the ‘challenge zone’ gamifies the whole experience of setting up matches, I love it!

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🤙 Get in touch

Let Matchspace create your tennis league hassle-free

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